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TecDoc strengthens coverage in the lubricants sector

Finding the correct motor oil can be a challenging task.

TecDoc, the leading international replacement parts catalogue, enables the precise selection of the appropriate "liquid replacement part" for almost 50 renowned lubricant brands. With the addition of Comma, Moove Europe’s leading aftermarket lubricant brand, TecDoc further expands its coverage in the lubricants sector. This new partnership will provide Comma’s portfolio to TecDoc users worldwide, offering a platform for Moove to expand its brand awareness and market share in the IAM on an international level.

The vast array of lubricants makes it difficult to determine which one is best suited for a particular vehicle. The complexity of the selection process is further compounded by factors such as the age of the vehicle, its make and model, and the climate in which it is driven.

“We believe that a collaboration with TecDoc will be instrumental in achieving Moove’s objectives. It offers our key target audience, the independent workshops, the ideal end-to-end system for accurate engine oil selection,” said Petra Märzinger, Moove Europe Product Manager. “This is critical in an era where lubricant technology is ever advancing, with extreme low viscosities and stringent emission targets.”

Clearly identifying “liquid replacement parts”

Choosing the wrong motor oil can lead to engine damage, reduced fuel efficiency, and decreased performance. TecDoc makes it possible to quickly and easily identify the right lubricant for a vehicle.

“With our ambition of trying to ‘keep it simple’ for independent workshops by recommending only one engine oil for each vehicle, TecDoc membership allows us detailed vehicle parc analysis, making sure we recommend the most appropriate engine oils to our customers – taking into consideration age, geography and engine oil specification profile, expertly matched against OEM specification requirements”, explains Märzinger.

More information on how TecDoc solutions help parts manufacturers enter global markets and sell more parts is available at tec.al/TecDoc_en.

TecAlliance GmbH
Steinheilstraße 10
85737 Ismaning


Pia Harbo
Commercial Business Owner
+49 1749419953 pia.harbo@tecalliance.net

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