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TecAlliance offers webinar about e-invoicing in Poland

As of 1 July 2024, businesses registered in Poland will be required to use electronic invoicing for all domestic and intra-community business-to-business (B2B) transactions.

TecAlliance, the leading data and solution expert in the automotive aftermarket, offers a fully compliant e-invoicing solution that supports companies in meeting these new requirements. In a free webinar on 30 November 2023, industry experts will guide the participants through the upcoming mandate and demonstrate how TecCom e-Invoicing can streamline business processes.

With the introduction of an e-invoicing mandate, Poland follows a worldwide trend. Companies who have their registered office or permanent place of business in Poland will be obliged to issue e-invoices in a specific XML format and submit them to the national system KSeF (Krajowy System e-Faktur) for clearance.

TecAlliance offers a free webinar on the upcoming Polish e-invoicing mandate. The webinar will take place on 30 November 2023, 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM CET, and will cover the following topics:

  • What is the Polish e-invoicing mandate and how does it affect your business?
  • What are the technical and legal requirements for issuing and receiving e-invoices in Poland?
  • How can you prepare for the e-invoicing mandate and ensure a smooth transition?
  • How can TecCom e-Invoicing help you comply with the e-invoicing mandate and other international invoicing regulations?

To register for the webinar please click here: linktr.ee/teccominvoice 

Preparation for a smooth transition

It is possible to start using the system already now. Tax payers that use the electronic invoice system earlier benefit from a quicker tax refund (40 days instead of 60).

Businesses should take advantage of this test phase and start preparing for the e-invoicing mandate right now. Depending on the current invoice process, this might involve upgrading accounting and invoicing software, switching from paper invoice to electronic invoices, or switching from PDF to a structured data format such as tXML2.5.

The number 1 platform for trading in the automotive aftermarket

TecCom is a well-established industry solution for the automated handling of all processes from availability requests to ordering and invoicing to returns. More than 280 parts manufacturers and over 35,000 wholesalers use our platform worldwide. By automating and digitising order processing, TecCom helps the IAM community to make trading in aftermarket parts as simple and efficient as possible all over the world.

TecCom e-Invoicing is fully integrated into the TecCom Suite. In addition to e-invoicing, TecCom also enables the digital, standardised exchange of item and price data with business partners, optimisation of inventories through order suggestions, ordering and tracking of order processing, and control of reverse logistics. And all this is fully automated and even integrated into the ERP system. Top-notch data quality due to fulfillment of independent aftermarket industry standards allows you to minimise errors and reduce manual work to the minimum throughout your order to invoice processes.

More information about TecCom e-Invoicing is available at the TecAlliance website

TecAlliance GmbH
Steinheilstraße 10
85737 Ismaning

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